Noroviruses Can Spread by Air

planetadminHealth News, Virus

Noroviruses, a group of viruses responsible for more than half of global gastroenteritis cases, can spread by air up to several meters from an infected person according to a new study by Université Laval researchers. The discovery, details of which are presented in the latest issue of Clinical Infectious Diseases, suggests that measures applied in hospitals during gastroenteritis outbreaks may … Read More

Impact of Electronic Hand Hygiene Monitoring Systems: A Review of Case Studies

planetadminInfection Control

It is universally acknowledged that adequate hand hygiene is one of the most effective ways to prevent transmission of infections. There have been many strategies developed to help improve hand hygiene compliance. The most effective of such strategies include monitoring hand hygiene behaviors and implementing performance-based interventions. This Whitepaper reviews both the clinical and financial impact to the facility by: … Read More