The Reliable Professionals in Complete Cleanup, Biohazard Remediation Services, Decontamination, and Sanitation of Homicides, Suicides, Hoarding, Accident or Crime Scenes including Fentanyl and other illicit drug lab and vehicle remediation.
Fentanyl is mainly produced by chemists in China. It is then shipped in bricks, or Kilos. One kilo of fentanyl when cut at a ratio of 1 part fentanyl to 100 parts filler (such as caffeine), will produce approximately 1,000,000 pills. There are estimated to be 1400 analogs of fentanyl with only 200+ that have been synthesized and studied. It is odourless and tasteless and therefore hard to detect.
AHS/OHS Approved Remediation Process
Fentanyl remediation is a process that is foreign to all restoration companies. Trauma Scene Bio Services specializes in only trauma and crime scene bio hazards, which includes drug labs, ie: fentanyl. We do not clean up fire, flood, asbestos or chemical spills. Our fentanyl remediation process has been examined and approved by Alberta Health Services. Their results stated that our process went above and beyond their expectations. As a result, they will be using our remediation process as a guideline and precedent going forward. This process was based on an actual fentanyl & carfentanyl remediation that was completed in a two bedroom apartment in the beginning of 2017. Our encapsulating solution that we use was tested on actual fentanyl, (wet & dry) by use of an ion scanner that had been programmed for 5-7 different analogs of fentanyl. After spraying the fentanyl with our encapsulating solution and wiping only once with our bio hazard wipes, the ion scanner reported a 99.997% loss of detection. The ion scanner will measure down to the nanogram. The fact that we bio wash all contaminated hard surfaces with solution 3 times and once with a clean rinse wipe, clearly indicates the elimination of any fentanyl presence after our remediation process is complete. By following AHS and OHS regulations and implementing our own process, having it tested and exceeding all expectations and requirements, provides our company with the knowledge, understanding and the peace of mind that our job, our process has been completed to not only the best of our ability, but the best in the business.

Education and Awareness
The key regarding safety in our communities is awareness education. There are fentanyl drug labs increasing in Canada and they have been found just about anywhere: in rented homes and apartments, motel rooms, rental vehicles, abandoned buildings, barns and garden sheds. Be alert for signs of a potential fentanyl drug lab operation, including: unusual amount of white or coloured powder on walls, floors, the unusual thumping sounds that could indicate a pill press machine, chemical odours – often a strong vinegar smell, tenants reluctant to allow landlords to inspect the property, payment of rent in cash, surveillance cameras, curtains always drawn and exhaust fans running at odd times. Residents may wear filtration masks, safety glasses or other protective equipment. They may remark that they are “painting”. If you suspect that there is a clandestine fentanyl lab operation, leave the area immediately; do not investigate; do not enter the premises; Contact your local police – 911.