The Reliable Professionals in Complete Cleanup, Biohazard Remediation Services, Decontamination, and Sanitation of Homicides, Suicides, Hoarding, Accident or Crime Scenes including Fentanyl and other illicit drug lab and vehicle remediation.
What is a Biohazard?
A biohazard is defined as harmful viruses, bacteria or any infectious biological agent that presents a risk to people and animals either through infection or environmental exposure.
To many, biohazard remediation (commonly known as, crime scene cleanup) sounds like standard cleaning. In reality, the two services couldn’t be more different. Biohazard remediation refers to the removal, cleaning, and disinfection of blood, bodily fluids, and other potentially infectious materials in affected areas after a death, accident, or communicable disease outbreak. Because of the high exposure risk to blood borne pathogens, biohazard remediation is a specialty service that requires proper training, equipment, certification, and licensing.
Where are Biohazards Found?
Anywhere and everywhere! At your job, at your dentist’s or doctor’s office, at your children’s school, or any public place.
Some Examples of Biohazards Are:

Decontamination Remediation
When a biological hazard occurs, it is imperative to remediate it as soon as possible. Trauma Scene will professionally and efficiently restore your home, business or vehicle back to pre-loss conditions.
Often there are times when the contamination is deeper than what appears on the surface. In these cases, even when all visible traces of blood and waste have been removed, a site still must undergo bioremediation to remove any microscopic pathogens that may have seeped between the cracks of laminate or hardwood flooring, soaked through the carpet and/or underlay onto the sub floor or even found their way behind the baseboards and weeping into the drywall. These microscopic pathogens could expose inhabitants to dangerous infections.
Only companies that specialize in biohazard clean up and legal/proper waste disposal truly understand the science behind the process, as well as the equipment, processes and standards required for compliance with regulations regarding AHS and OHS.
Decontamination Process
The TSBS biohazard decontamination process involves wiping down every hard surface with our specially formulated encapsulating solution, all porous materials are bagged and inventoried for disposal, structural damage is assessed and after decontamination has been completed, it is inspected, disinfected and all contamination is removed and transported to an approved disposal site. Odor treatment (if necessary) is done, then finally, we use Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) monitoring and testing to verify sanitization levels.
Our technicians will remove flooring, drywall and other surfaces to clean out and disinfect all traces of blood and bodily fluids that may have soaked under or behind them. All porous materials, such as carpet and cloth, should be removed because they cannot be disinfected. The removed materials plus the used cleaning cloths must all be handled as biohazard waste, documented and transported legally and safely to an approved disposal center.
Our certified biohazard decontamination teams are experienced in the use of personal protective and respiratory equipment and are experts in biohazard remediation. They meet Federal and Provincial environmental and safety requirements for handling and transporting regulated medical waste and they maintain contracts with licensed biohazard waste disposal companies.